have more confidence in abilities and gifts

Do you have unique gifts and abilities? Do you ever feel down about what you have to offer because it’s not “original” enough or simply “not enough?” Perhaps you’re an artist that has finally decided to share your work. Maybe you’re a new business owner, entrepreneur, or creative that has made the leap to get out there and follow your dreams.

While you might be feeling excited and nervous, you also might start feeling like what you have to offer isn’t good enough. It’s not original enough, and who will like it? Imposter syndrome starts to come into play, and you think that sooner or later people will say your work is a “knock off” of so-and-so, or what you have to offer really isn’t as great as you think it is (or as reviews have stated that it is). 

Let me tell you something: people will always have opinions. But the opinions that matter most come from God and from yourself. In this article, you’ll learn some practical ways to have more self confidence in your unique gifts, abilities, and approach to whatever creative project or business you have always dreamed of doing. It’s time to boost your self confidence and know that your work IS original enough because nobody can do it the way you can! 

You have a contribution to make

The first tip is to know that you have a unique contribution to make in this world and life. The funny thing is that there is no original art, story, or business. We all mimic each other in some way, shape, or form. However, you are an original, so even if your work is an imitation of someone else’s, the thing is… nobody can ever make something the way you can. Your personality, life experiences, and everything you bring to the table make your creation uniquely you.

For example, if you’re an artist and you use an anime style of art, it’s obvious that this style isn’t unique or original. Many people use this style. However, the way you implement this style is uniquely yours. The characters, ideas, and images you create are original! Because nobody can make it the way you can. 

Another example: if you’re a writer you’ve probably been told that there are no original stories. This is true—all stories have mimicked something at some point in time. However, nobody can tell your story in the way that you can, which makes your work original! 

It’s funny how quickly we feel demoted when people tell us there’s no such thing as “original” anymore. There is, because what you bring to the table is uniquely yours. Have self confidence in knowing that everything you’ve ever experienced, practiced, learned, read, heard, thought, or saw has contributed to making you who you are. It affects every aspect of your work and makes your work originally yours. 

have confidence in your gifts and abilities

Have self confidence

This tip is a no-brainer but it’s easy to get insecure about our abilities and gifts, especially when we’re among people who share the same interests. I’m a writer, so whenever I meet other writers, I sometimes feel insecure about my own writing abilities. “If they read my work, will they think I’m a poor writer?” I think. Or “what if they find flaws or errors in my work?” It’s natural to feel unsure when meeting others who share the same interests and pursue similar dreams and ambitions. But know that you’re work is your own. And their work is their own. 

There’s no point in comparing because everyone is on their journey of growth and discovery. Have self confidence in your work knowing that God has called and supports you in it, and that you believe in yourself too. Perfectionism sometimes hinders people from feeling confident in their work, but remember that nothing is ever going to be perfect. Progress is better than perfection. 

Read more about this here: How to Not Care What People Think

Be proud of your journey and how far you’ve come 

If you’re a creator or business owner, isn’t it neat to go down memory lane and see yourself in the beginning? I know that many, many artist’s work at the beginning of their careers look drastically different from the art they create now. Even when I look back at my writing, I see how much I’ve improved through the course of my journey. My work wasn’t perfect, but I am so proud of myself for putting my work out there and STARTING. 

Check out my first book here! Aloha State of Mind

Know that it’s ok if you’ve changed—in fact, I hope you’ve changed since the start of your business or creative journey! You should have learned a great deal about your work, yourself, the community, and the business. Be proud of how far you’ve come and don’t compare your point in the journey with someone else’s. 

have self confidence in your talents

There’s always more to learn and discover 

One of my favorite things about any craft is that you’re not actually a “master” when you become a master of your craft. Becoming a “master” at your craft means that you can consistently create something of quality and value. But that doesn’t mean you’re done learning. In fact, there’s a long way to go! I love that in life, we’re never done growing and learning, and the same goes for our creative and business endeavors. 

When we think that we’ve learned everything, we need to check ourselves and our pride. Because there’s always more to learn. And there’s certainly room to grow. Just because you get to comfortable spot in your business or creative work, doesn’t mean you stop growing and improving.

Creativity is a lifelong pursuit of excellence and something to look forward to. Who knows? Maybe your art style will change when you’re eighty years old, and that’s completely ok! Maybe the business will take a turn and dive into another field, and that’s ok! There’s always room to grow, learn new things, and keep moving forward. 

In conclusion

You have so much to offer, and your unique story, abilities, gifts, and experiences make you truly a one-of-a-kind original. There’s nobody in the world just like you, and so have self confidence in that! I hope you’ll get out there and create and build those things you always wanted to do, because nobody can do it the way you can. You can do it! 

Let’s hear from you! 

Did you learn something from this article that encourages you in your creative or business endeavors? Is there a piece of advice you would give someone struggling with feeling “original” or “enough” in their gifts, abilities, and work? 

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confidence in gifts and abilities

Mahalo for sharing!