how to be confident in any situation

Do you struggle to have confidence in any situation? Maybe you feel confident in some situations, but other situations make you feel anxious, nervous, or out of place. 

How can you have confidence in any situation, even when you don’t know anyone or if you feel like you don’t belong? If you have anxiety, can you feel confident in any situation? Are there times that you shouldn’t feel confident, or is it ok to have confidence at any time? 

In this article we’ll explore everything you need to know about how to have confidence in any situation. Whether you have anxiety, struggle to boost your self confidence, or want to know if you’re simply being prideful (instead of confident) in any situation, we’ll share the answers below. Let’s dive in! 

couple working out

Believe in yourself 

Do you really believe in yourself? Self confidence, by definition, is a belief in one’s abilities, skills, talents. This also includes the ability to problem solve. Even if you don’t know everything, you can feel confident that you’ll figure it out. You’ll make things work. 

In any situation, you can have confidence by believing in you. You don’t need to know everything, this includes what circumstances surround you, or how you’ll handle the situation. Start by believing that you know enough, and that you will figure things out.

have a vision for your life

Trust yourself to get through anything life throws at you.

Where does this trust in yourself and hope come from? It can come from enduring past experiences that were hard. Remember that difficult thing you got through? What did you learn from it? How did you handle it? Would you change anything about the way you handled it? This is your chance to change it. 

We’re humans, with imperfections, weaknesses, and failures, but we don’t have to stay in those cycles. Change is real, and, with experience, we can change.

Trusting yourself comes from evaluating experiences in your life and figuring out how to better handle things the next time. It helps you understand yourself better, have grace, and believe in you. 

Trusting yourself also comes from trusting in God. If you know you’re in the right with Him, you can’t go wrong. More on this later… 

Do things to boost your self confidence 

Speaking of hard things, you can boost your self confidence by not limiting yourself. Don’t be afraid to try new things, put yourself out there, or share your work. There are so many articles on this blog about boosting your self confidence that I won’t go into too much detail. The main thing is to just start. 

Too often we hold ourselves back because we’re afraid of failure, are lazy, or worry about what others think of us. The more you put yourself and your work out there, the more opportunities, chances for growth, and strength you’ll have.

Check out these articles for more details on boosting your self confidence: 

abundance mindset

Remember that you can’t control everything, only you

No matter what situation you’re in, remember that you can’t control everything.

You can only control you. 

Trust your instincts, don’t let others comments or behavior change the way you perceive yourself or your confidence. If you’re really uncomfortable, maybe you’re in a place you shouldn’t be. 

Have enough self respect and honor for your time, energy, and resources to care for you.

For example, get yourself out of an uncomfortable situation if you need. Set boundaries if people are using toxic behavior, abuse, or manipulation to coerce you into something you’re not comfortable with. 

Even if you’re with people who should have your best interest in mind, like family, believe in and respect yourself enough to set boundaries or get out of there if needed. 

Also read: 

Trust God and your instincts 

If you’re doing your best to keep the commandments and obey all of God’s laws, He can help you. Trust that He has a plan, and it’s wonderful. You’re going to be OK, get through hard things, and even have confidence in the midst of it. 

Also trust your instincts. Promptings and impressions to do good, or warning us of danger are from God and can help us be aware of our surroundings. If you want to have self confidence in any situation, learn to identify and listen to these impressions. They’re small, but impactful. 

Don’t worry about what others think 

People have opinions, and there’s nothing you or I can do about it. They’ll judge you either way: whether they like what you’re doing, or whether they think it’s a waste of time. 

Don’t worry about them. 

Self confidence comes from believing in you, and trusting your opinions. Remember, the only opinions that matter are your own and God’s opinion of you. 

can your goals change

If you feel anxious, breathe 

Take deep breaths and stay present.
A self confident person knows that hard times and challenging circumstances don’t last forever. They can feel happiness, even in the midst of trials. Isn’t that amazing? And kind of bizarre, but it’s possible. 

You can be happy in any circumstance. Take deep breaths, stay present, be grateful, and remember that you have more control than you think. 🙂 

Check out my book, Aloha State of Mind, to learn how to create paradise wherever you are. 

woman praying at computer

Avoid pride

Being self confident is not being prideful. 

It’s easy to think that you have to be proud to handle any situation. A lot of the media and culture today says to “be proud of who you are” and “stand on your truth,” but self confidence is not pride. In fact, if self confidence is pride, then it could become narcissism. 

Self confidence is humility. When you feel self confident, you know you’ll make mistakes or fail at times. And even though you’ve evaluated your experiences so you can continue to improve, you still might make the same mistake. That’s ok, and you continue to learn and try again. 

However, proud people think they’re better than others. They mask their insecurities by acting like they’re somehow perfect.

But nobody is perfect. And we all have insecurities. A self confident person knows this, and they work through their insecurities and flaws. 

As you strive to avoid pride in any situation, you’ll actually gain more self confidence. You don’t need to put yourself on a pedestal in order to feel good about you. Because you naturally gain self confidence from your efforts to try a little harder each day. 

In conclusion 

It’s possible to have self confidence in any situation. No matter where you are, who you’re with, or what circumstances you’re going through, you can feel good about yourself. Remember to believe in you, and honor your time, energy, and resources. 

Also listen to your instincts and trust God. As you do so, self confidence naturally builds. No matter what life throws at you, or where you find yourself, you can have confidence in any situation. You got this friend! 

What are your thoughts? 

How do you have confidence in any situation? Was there a time you recognized your self confidence? Let us know in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you! 

Save this post for later! 

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Mahalo for sharing!