how to believe in yourself

Do you want to believe in yourself? Maybe there’s something you always wanted to do, a dream or goal you would love to reach, or a certain lifestyle you want to live… but can you really do those things you love? 

The answer is a resounding YES. When you believe in yourself, you can do whatever you set your mind to. Imposter syndrome doesn’t exist when you truly believe in yourself.

In this article you will discover ways to believe in yourself, have confidence, and know that the life of your dreams is possible! 

Know who you are 

The first step to believe in yourself is to know who you are. A lot of people don’t believe in themselves because they don’t know who they are, why they’re here, what their purpose is, or where they’re going. Knowing that there’s a bigger picture to all of us, that life has purpose and meaning, helps you believe in yourself. 

So do you know who you are? Who you really are? 

You are a child of God. You are a son or daughter of a Heavenly Father. He loves you and has a wonderful plan for you. 

Our society has drifted farther and farther away from this truth, causing many people to lose confidence in themselves and hope in the future. You are a child of God. Knowing this truth helps you believe that anything is possible. 

Also read: Do you know who you really are? 

Keep trying new things 

The next way to believe in yourself is to try new things. A lot of us are afraid to put ourselves out there because we might fail. 

In all honesty, failure is good. Failure teaches and clarifies the path for us faster than anything else would. When we try new things, we give ourselves an opportunity to grow, learn, and become better than we are now. 

And remember that nothing you try has to last forever. If you start a business and find it’s not what you really want to do, then take the lessons you learned from that and move forward. If another opportunity opens up and you want to take a chance at it, but it’s not related to your current field, don’t be afraid to try. 

The more things you try, the more you’ll learn to believe in yourself, not care what people think, and increase your skillset. 

A lot of people say it’s a waste of time to try new things but remember, this is your life, not theirs. Most people are stuck with a scarcity mindset and don’t have enough confidence in themselves to try new things, which is why they attack and criticize you. 

This leads to our next step… 

woman not thinking small

Don’t worry about what other people think of you

No matter what you do, people will judge. It’s a tough truth, but they will judge either way. 

“Wow that’s amazing you’re doing that,” they might say. 

Or “Why would you do something like that?” 

People will always have opinions. If you really want to believe in yourself, you have to learn to not care what people think. 

It’s hard. Really hard. We all want acceptance and belonging in our social groups, like those in our families, churches, and communities, but also in the digital realm, like social media. 

The truth is that you can’t and won’t please everyone. And the point is not to please everyone. If you want to believe in yourself, you have to do something that matters to you.

When you believe in the work you put out, and you know that it will help and serve someone, possibly change their life in a positive way, then why wouldn’t you share? Have confidence in the content, product, or services you put out, and the belief in yourself will naturally come. 

Also read: How to not care what other people think

God’s opinion of you is most important 

And speaking of opinions… the only opinions that matter are your opinion and God’s opinion. 

When YOU know that you’re doing something great and that serves society, your confidence grows. You know that no matter what happens, you have the tools and skills to fix whatever comes up. And if you don’t have the tools and skills, you’re going to learn. 

Furthermore, when you know that God approves of your work, why would you not believe in yourself? When God has your back, you can do and be anything. 

Also read: Does God care about me?

let go of perfectionism

Let go of perfectionism 

Sometimes we stop believing in ourselves because we aren’t perfect.

Well, the truth is… Nobody is perfect. 

Though social media makes it look like people live perfect lives, it’s not real. Everyone has problems, pain, and struggles. Some have it harder than others, but that’s no excuse to not give something your all. 

Giving something your all is more important than being perfect. 

I recently watched an ad on YouTube for a masterclass offered by world famous cellist, Yo-Yo Ma. He said that he once wanted to play the “perfect” concert. Halfway through he noticed things were going very well, and he was terribly bored! Yo-Yo Ma then said he was more concerned with “human expression” instead of “human perfection.” 

I loved that, and I hope it resonates with you. Everything you do is an expression of who you are, an output of your experience, skills, journey, pain, joy, knowledge, and more. What you put into this world doesn’t have to be perfect, because our lives aren’t perfect. 

The stories we remember most aren’t the ones where things went fine and dandy. We remember stories where people had heartbreaks, disappointment, and struggles. How they came out of that, and made it to the other side, shows us we can do it too. 

It’s an expression. 

Not perfection.

No matter what you decide to do, allow yourself expression and creativity. As you do so, your belief in yourself strengthens. You no longer compare yourself to other people or to some “perfectionist” culture, but you appreciate the present, the now, and the expression of yourself and your work. 

Also read: Social Media is Killing Your Self Confidence 

how to find a career you love

Improve your skills 

This one is a no brainer to believe in yourself, but it needs to be said. You can’t get good at something if you don’t put in the time, energy, effort, or brainpower to practice. The more you improve your skills, the more you can believe in yourself to do anything. 

For example, I learned to play the piano when I was around eleven years old. Most eleven year olds are awkward, growing, and figuring out who they are, and I was no exception. However, I disciplined and committed myself to learning the piano. 

While everything else happening in my life sometimes felt out of control, I found a sense of control and power in playing the piano. As I practiced, my skill increased. This, naturally, led to more confidence. When I started playing harder songs, I really started to believe in myself—in other ways too, not just on the piano. 

I thought, Wow. If practicing the piano has made it possible for me to learn songs like this, what would practice in other areas of my life do for me? 

When we make a conscious effort to improve our skills, it shows us that we really can do anything. That helps us believe in ourselves, no matter what. 

Be a problem solver, not problem maker 

There are two types of people in this world: the ones who cause problems, and the ones who fix them. It’s so easy to fall into the problem causer category, because finding the negativity is a natural thing our brains do. It’s a coping mechanism used to protect us. Instead of looking for the good, we analyze situations and look for the bad. 

But don’t let that deter you. 

We can re-train our brains to be a problem solver. Instead of being the negative, critical one, be the helpful, encouraging, and positive person. As you do so, your ability to problem solve increases, as well as your ability to believe in yourself. 

Don’t forget God and Jesus Christ 

While a lot of this article focused on the importance to believe in yourself and have confidence in your unique abilities and skill, we can’t forget God and Jesus Christ. Our self confidence grows immensely as we focus on our trust and relationship with them. 

For example, if you know—really know—that you are a child of God, then what can stop you? 


When the angel Gabriel visited Mary, mother of Jesus, he reminded her that “With God, nothing is impossible” (Luke 1). You are a child of God. You can do anything. Believing in that and knowing that will give you more confidence than anything else. 

Another powerful example of how a relationship with deity can help you believe in yourself is knowing that no matter what happens, you always have someone you can turn to: Jesus Christ. When mistakes happen, things fail, and plans seem to fall apart, you can always trust in the Savior of the world. All things that are unfair can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. 

Also Read: The Fastest Way to Heal Self Doubt 

In conclusion

Believe in yourself. Believe that you can do anything you set your mind to. Know who you truly are, and let that give you hope, excitement, and motivation to move forward. 

I hope these tips here encouraged and uplifted you. Your dreams, aspirations, and goals are possible. Don’t give up. You totally got this! 

Also read: 200+ Self Confidence Quotes to Motivate You

What are your thoughts? 

Did you enjoy this article? What will you do to believe in yourself? Let us know in the comments. We’d love to hear from you! Mahalo! 

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how to believe in yourself and have confidence

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