how to use social media for good

We’ve all heard of how bad social media is for our health and wellbeing. Not only does social media make us compare our lives and selves to others, but it can cause feelings of anxiety, sadness, and discontent. Let’s not even go into how much time people spend on their apps! 

Is there a way to use social media for good? If you’ve read the other articles on here about social media, you’ll know that we don’t like social media. However, it’s one of the easiest and free ways to gain an audience and attract people to this Kanani Life blog and our YouTube channel. 

But want to know a little secret?

We spend less than twenty minutes on social apps, and we don’t even go on everyday. The point is… social media can be a good thing! You CAN use it for good, and we’ll share below how to do that. 

Using the methods below, as well as setting your own personal boundaries, you can use social media for good in your life, and the lives of others! 

how to use social media without getting addicted

Have a clear WHY

If you don’t know why you have social media, then you might end up spending too much time on it. Setting clear boundaries, even for something like your social apps, helps you have clear results. 

Do you go on the app for inspiration? Does that always happen when you go on? What do you need to change, who do you need to unfollow, etc in order for you to be inspired? 

Maybe you’re like us at Kanani Life, where social media is purely used for branding and building an audience. Here at Kanani Life we believe in creating memories in real life, and doing meaningful things to help other people. That doesn’t always work the same way on apps. It’s limiting. It over-connects people, which is something we’re not meant to be or do. 

In fact, so many people get anxiety because the over-connectedness is overwhelming. We’re not meant to know every little thing of every person’s day all the time. So why are you using your social apps? What is the purpose? 

When you have a clear purpose, you’ll have clear results. Instead of mindlessly scrolling, you can actually use social media for good, whether that’s getting inspiration, supporting a friend or loved one, or using the app for your own creative endeavors. 

Stick to your boundaries 

You can use social media for good by sticking to your boundaries. 

Reminder: Unclear and sloppy boundaries produce unclear and sloppy results. 

For example, if you set a time limit (a boundary) on how long you’ll use social media, it’ll make it easier to stick to that. Or maybe you decide to follow only people you know. Well, if that’s the case, then set a boundary and make it happen. 

Don’t let your phone or apps take over your life. Just as we established the “why” in the previous section, make sure to support that strong why with strong boundaries. 

A lot of people might think boundaries only apply to social situations, like dealing with a toxic or abusive person. But boundaries can apply to any aspect of life. Boundaries are a form of protecting your energy, time, and space. 

Oh, and social media is social! It’s a place where people come to communicate with others, see what people are up to, and stay informed. I would say that’s very social. 

As you set boundaries, whether that’s setting a time limit, only opening it on your computer, or unfollowing people who make you feel bad about yourself, then stick to it. 

Give yourself reminders to implement your boundaries. Even better, once you decide on the boundary, set yourself up for success right away. Delete the app, limit the time, or schedule social media in. You can use social media for good if you have a clear why and set boundaries to support that why. You got this. 

Also read: How to set boundaries and have peace 

Be willing to change

Times change. People change. And social media platforms change.

While most platforms have pretty neat content, it can start to get repetitive, inappropriate, and negative. There are always people out there who will make something bad out of something good. 

Even when you’re not looking for inappropriate content, it shows up. Pornography, crude behavior, extreme ideas, and more can—and will—show up on even the most filtered social media websites. 

So what do you do? 

Recognize and honor who you are. If you are starting to realize that social media no longer serves you, then be willing to change. Don’t fall into FOMO, the fear of missing out, because “everyone has it.” Honor who and where you are now. 

This also includes changing who you follow, what you post, and so forth. It’s ok to go back on a belief or agenda you once followed, and express how you’ve changed. You’re allowed to change, and you should change. That’s what life is about: growing, progress, and becoming who God needs us to be. 

Social media platforms change all the time, so don’t be afraid to walk away or try something else if it’s no longer working or serving you. Because of the internet, there will always be social media platforms, and if a platform you’re on has gone downhill, you have every right and power to stop using it. 

You might think you’re one person walking away, but if everyone did it, we could make a bold statement and transform social media as a tool for good. 

Support others who create wholesome content 

Another great way to use social media is to support people who create awesome content.

Local businesses or crafters, artists, and creators use social apps to share their products and work. You can make a difference by supporting these people specifically.

Other people post things that uplift, such as spiritual thoughts, motivational quotes, or inspiring messages. These are great ways to share positivity and compassion. But don’t get so caught up in these things that you forget to live in the real world.

It’s too easy to start idolizing an influencer, creator, or the things that someone else shares. We need to step back and make sure that while we support others, we don’t idolize or spend too much time on it.

Don’t waste time

If you want to use social media for good, don’t waste time on it. And don’t promote, share, or do anything on it that would waste someone else’s time. 

I’ve often said that social media is like an echo chamber. There are marketing gurus who post things like, “Use this song ASAP because it’s going to TREND” and all of a sudden, hundreds of thousands of people use that same song or words, and it’s all the same. 

What are you sharing or doing on social apps that would serve someone else? 

Most people might say, “Well, I don’t use social media to share opinions or ‘serve’ someone, but I use it to post pictures for my family to see.” That’s alright, but is there a better way to share those photos with others? How about showing them in person, when you see them? What about sending it directly to them? 

Think about what a family member has to do to see your post on social media. They’ll have to get on the app. They’ll probably get distracted by other people’s posts before they remember to find your feed. 

How can we help ourselves and others to stop wasting time on social apps? Are we really using it for good if we’re broadcasting our lives on it? 

Go back to the “why” of using your social apps and then ask yourself if the ‘why’ is wasting your time or someone else’s time. And remember, it’s ok to change! 

can your goals change

Use social media to praise the Lord 

Who can speak too much of the Lord’s goodness and grace? Personally I follow mostly conservative Christian influencers, as well as crafty Bible journalers. They are inspiring in their search for truth, and the wisdom they share uplifts and edifies. 

I once read an article about using social media to share the Gospel with others. If there’s one powerful and amazing way to use social media, this is it. Use it to proclaim the good word and invite others to come to Jesus Christ. 

We need more of His goodness and love to be shared in all that we do. Maybe you won’t get the “popularity” or “trending” flag on your feed. Perhaps your account won’t get a heavy stream of followers, but who can say too much about Jesus Christ? He’s amazing, and one of the best things you can do is share His goodness and grace with others, inviting them to come to Him.

In conclusion 

Social media can be a good thing.

You can use it for good! But be very mindful and cautious in how you approach it. Set boundaries, and know who you are before you go on. It’s so easy to compare ourselves to others, to over-connect, and to get off the apps feeling sluggish and mentally cluttered.

Consume good media, choose how to spend your time wisely, and you totally got this friend!

You might also enjoy these articles about social media:

What are your thoughts? 

Do you think you can use your social apps for good? How? Let us know in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you! Mahalo!

Save this for later! 

use social media for good pin

Mahalo for sharing!