reaching your dreams

Reaching your dreams isn’t impossible. Is there a goal or thing you always wanted to do, but there’s something holding you back? Maybe there are a few things holding you back, and you’d rather not confront them. 

The truth is… we all have fears. But what differentiates the dreamers from the doers is the confidence that no matter what happens, things will work out as they should. The self confident people work towards their dreams, even if there are failures, obstacles, and mistakes in the way. 

You’re never too old (or young) to start working towards your dream. Don’t let these things hold you back. After all, at the end of your life, what do you want to be able to say? “I did all those things I wanted” or “I wish I had done all those things I wanted.” 

Life is too short to let fears hold you back from reaching your dreams. 

This article will help you recognize some of the biggest lies holding you back from reaching your dreams, how to overcome them, and finally believe that you can do whatever you set your mind to. 

So let’s go! Here are the biggest lies holding you back from your dreams: 

Lie: People will think you’re weird

The biggest reason people don’t take a step forward is that they worry what other people will think about them. “What will ___ think if I do this?” “What if my neighbor, mom, cousin, etc see my work—will they like it?” “Ugh, they’re going to think I’m so weird…” 

You are your biggest asset and investment. You have a unique contribution to make in a way that nobody else can. It’s time to stop worrying about what people think about you, and worry about 1) what you think of yourself and 2) what God thinks of you.

Your potential and opportunities are limitless. We limit ourselves by what people say or think about us, but why do that? Here are some quotes to help you overcome this fear and start reaching your dreams.  

It’s not your job to like me. It’s mine. 

Just because someone thinks something about you, doesn’t make it true. 

People who repeatedly attack your confidence and self-esteem are quite aware of your potential, even if you are not.

Also read: How to Stop Worrying What Others Think of You 

Lie: You’re not cool enough

You might think you’re not “enough” of something, but the truth is… you lack confidence in yourself.

A lot of people want to reach their dreams, but they don’t believe that they actually can. Self confidence is key to getting what you want and creating a life you love. 

Unfortunately, people lose confidence for various reasons: repeated failures, mistakes, or weaknesses, bad habits, lack of support, not believing in one’s self, not connecting with or understanding who they are to God, childhood or past trauma, mental blocks, and more. 

But the lack of self confidence can be overcome. In fact, a lot of people gain self confidence by simply starting. With small successes, your confidence grows. 

Celebrate the small wins, don’t give up, and believe that you can do anything you set your mind to. 

Also read: Do you know who you really are? 

Lie: You’re going to fail if you try

Failures are a part of life, whether we like it or not. Instead of viewing failures as something to immobilize or numb us in place, look at failures as falling forward. They are stepping stones, helping pave a path to where we want to go. 

So, in other words, failures are nothing personal to you. They don’t represent who you are as a person, but they represent an experience. And, hopefully, they represent a learning experience. Instead of getting frustrated, express gratitude for your failures. They’re moving you forward faster than you could without them. 

Here’s a quote to think about:

You will only fail, if you give up on yourself.

get help and validation from others

Lie: You’re too broken with too many problems

If you think you have too many problems, then you will have too many problems. Childhood trauma, experiences, and life circumstances might make you feel like you’re beyond help and it’s entirely impossible to reach your dreams. 

Audrey Hepburn is quoted as saying, “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible!’” 

Don’t let your past define your future. You get to decide how to move forward with your life. If you need help or counseling, don’t be afraid to find ways to heal from your trauma and life circumstances.

God helps those who help themselves, so seek healing through God and Jesus Christ. Get your life in order. Find a support group of friends who show up for you. And, of course, show up for yourself. 

Life is too short to live in the past. Live in the present. Be mindful, be grateful, and never forget who you really are. You’re never too broken to heal, have peace, or be happy. 

Lie: It’s too hard

In other words, you’re not reaching your dreams because you’re lazy and unmotivated.

Tough love but sometimes we don’t reach our dreams simply because we don’t want to put in the effort. We make justifications like, “it’s too hard” or “too expensive” or “too risky.”

We envy others on social media and wonder why that can’t be us… while we spend our free time watching Netflix or lacking self control in other aspects of life. 

Does that sound familiar? 

We all want to do something amazing and meaningful in our lives. This is a huge reason we love stories and transformations. We love seeing people change and live their dreams. 

These stories are not unique to celebrities, movies, books, music, or art… they can be your story too. 

You are the hero of your own story

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Be the hero of your story.” This applies to reaching your dreams. Instead of envying or judging others for their success, focus on yourself. Make small adjustments to improve your life, including being more mindful/present, aware of how you use your time, and what you consume (physically, emotionally, and mentally). 

Small changes eventually lead to bigger changes. The better you feel about yourself, the more your self confidence grows. And, soon, the phrase “be the hero of your story” becomes real for you. You got this! 

let go of perfectionism

Lie: It’s too late to start 

It’s never too late to work towards your dreams. Whoever put some sort of age limit on learning and growth has a scarcity mindset. There are plenty of opportunities all around us, and, no matter how old you are, you can reach your dreams. 

Even just the act of doing one thing to reach your dreams will boost your self confidence and get you started in the right direction. Don’t let other peoples’ opinions (or your own) about your age stop you. 

Also read: How to have confidence no matter your age 

In conclusion

Life is too short to not create the beautiful life and do what we love. Each day gives us fresh opportunities to learn, grow, and blossom as we work towards our dreams. As we put in our effort and do our best, everything turns out as it should: our confidence grows, we feel better about ourselves, and our relationships (with God, others, and self) become healthier. 

So don’t let any of these things hold you back. We need you, your creativity, and your contribution. Let’s go! 

Your turn 

What did you think of this article? Is there something that’s holding you back? Is there something else not listed here that holds you back? Let us know in the comments and we’d love to discuss it. Mahalo! 

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