make time for creativity article

You’re probably here because you know that you should make time for creativity. And maybe you hope that this article will give you the boost you need to make time for your creative endeavors. I think you’ll feel motivated and inspired by the end of this. 

Whether a project has been waiting to be finished, an idea has sparked in your head, or you simply need a break from the daily grind, it’s time to make time for creativity. 

You know you should, and this is your sign. 

No matter where you are in the season of your life, you need creativity. Everyone does. Creativity is a part of the human experience and helps us feel satisfied and happy in life. 

A lot of people lose their sense of creativity as they get older because of social expectations, career path, and/or life in general. We get busy. We forget about the dreams and hopes we had when we were younger. 

But there’s no better time for creativity than now. 

This article covers all the reasons to make room for creativity. By the end of it, I hope you’ll be encouraged and motivated to return to that project, make something new, and/or do what you love. 

Creativity helps your health overall 

We can start with the science-ey, research backed up reason to get creative.

According to a Forbes article, creativity can improve your health. It improves mental health, focus, the immune system, and more. Creativity also lessens the chance of dementia. 

The list goes on and on, but the main point is this: creativity helps and improves your health overall. If you want to try a natural remedy for your daily woes and sorrows, get creative

make time for creativity

Creativity makes you smarter 

We all know that person who gets frustrated easily or gives up when something gets even remotely difficult. 

Creativity combats that.

It teaches you how to problem solve by creating solutions to your problems. This concept goes beyond just making a craft, wood project, playing the piano, or some other creative endeavor. It can have an influence on the rest of your life for good. 

When you hit difficult times, which everyone does, you’ll have more resilience, patience, and endurance to create problems to your solutions. Optimism comes more naturally,

And all of this stems from being creative.

Creativity teaches you discipline 

If there’s something you really want to learn, you need discipline. 

The nice thing is that creativity teaches you how to commit, stay disciplined, and be productive. 

Have you ever met a professional musician who never practiced a day in their life? Unless they’re a protege, probably not! How about a scrapbooker who made the “perfect” page the first time? Probably not. 

Every creative endeavor takes time, practice, focus, and discipline. Someone who commits to their work stays focused, learns from mistakes, and avoids imposter syndrome. The satisfaction that comes from commitment and dedication gives you a sense of confidence. Which leads us to the next point… 

Creativity helps you feel satisfied 

There are a lot of things that make us feel good in life, but there’s nothing quite like completing a project. The sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that accompanies a finished product releases dopamine, the feel-good chemical. 

Not only do you feel good about your work, but you feel good about yourself. A completed project is now available for you to admire, appreciate, and, possibly, share. 

Even if you choose to not share your work, having completed something provides you with feelings of hope, motivation, and inspiration. 

In my personal experience, one creative project always leads to the next. When I am successful in completing a project, it gives me a boost of energy and drive to do another.

Try not to lose the momentum that comes with a completed project. Let it propel you forward and pursue your creative endeavors. 

Creativity helps with gratitude 

If you suffer from a mental illness or feel anxious about your life and where you’re at, creativity can help with this. 

After a session of doing something creative, notice how you feel. Did all of the woes, anger, and anxiety disappear for a moment? Maybe those feelings come rushing back after, but pay attention to your thoughts. 

Are you happier while being creative? 

Does it make you contemplate on things you’re grateful for? 

Creativity helps us appreciate what we have.

Sometimes creative projects make us envious of others who have more resources for their projects. Maybe someone has better tools, more materials, or resources. But, because we are creative people too, we figure out what we can make with what we already have. There’s no reason to compare. 

A feeling of satisfaction comes when we use what we have, and are grateful for it and our own ingenuity. 

Creativity can help you relax 

We live in a busy world full of distractions. Social media tells us we’re simply not “good enough.” It can often feel like there are no quiet places left. 

But being creative provides a respite from everything. A lot of people talk about “getting into the flow” while being creative. Whether playing an instrument, painting a picture, writing, crafting, woodworking, and the list could go on… creativity is an escape. 

When we escape from the daily grind and get into a place of flow, it gives us a break, a time of peace and tranquility. Instead of the noise we’re bombarded with daily, creativity is quiet. It’s us and our project, something we can hone in on, focus, and appreciate. 

Let creativity help you relax. Allow it provide a safe place of peace and flow for you amidst the busy, loud, distracting world. 

In conclusion 

Creativity is awesome. It can improve the quality of your life in so many ways. Creativity also inspires other people to pursue their dreams and do what they love.

Remember that you’re not just creating for yourself, but creativity helps everyone.

Whether you share your work with someone or not, the personal health and wellness you gain from creativity builds your confidence. And, with confidence, you can do anything. You got this! 

What are your thoughts? 

What is a reason you make time for creativity? How has creativity blessed your life? Let us know in the comments, we’d love to hear from you. Mahalo! 

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why you should make time for creativity

Mahalo for sharing!