how successful people think

Let’s explore how successful people think. You’ve seen the typical story of success before, and you probably want it too. A person starts from zero and, overtime, they “make it.” They get out of the financial rat race, live their dream lifestyle, create beautiful relationships, travel, and/or have flexibility with their time and schedule. You might wonder to yourself, how did they do that? How did they reach success? Is it possible for me? 

The answer is yes! Let’s dig into how successful people think. How can a person start out an average joe, like me and you, and “make it,” whatever that looks like for them or for you? 

make more money image

Successful people define their own success 

While this article is all about “successful” people, please know that success looks different for everyone. 

Someone might define success as having great relationships, and has nothing to do with finances or specific lifestyle. 

Another person can view success as a flexible schedule, multiple streams of passive income, and being able to do what they want when they want. 

Success looks different for everyone, but one thing is clear. A successful person defines their own success. What you see on the outside is a manifestation of people’s vision. Goals, vision, and dreams look different for everyone, but the only way you’ll reach them is by clarifying them and taking steps to get there. 

Successful people know what they want. They define their success and do what it takes to reach it. 

article about self limiting belief

Successful people are confident 

Do you believe in yourself? Those with confidence, people who believe in their skills, abilities, and gifts, succeed faster than others. This doesn’t mean they avoid mistakes. They make plenty of mistakes, but they learn to “fail faster.” 

Successful people don’t worry what people think of them. They have enough confidence in themselves that no matter what setbacks occur (because there will be setbacks), they can figure it out and make it through. 

self confidence make me happy

Successful people don’t care what people think of them 

A common theme throughout this blog is to not care what people think. Too many people get hung up over what others think of them. Instead of taking brave steps forward, they play it small. 

But why live your life according to other people’s opinions? 

The hard, honest truth is that people will have opinions. But the only opinions that matter are your own and God’s opinion. 

Successful people let others talk about them. A famous quote says to “work in silence and let success be your noise.” A lot of people work hard, making sacrifices that others don’t see behind the scenes. So don’t let other peoples opinions stop you from working hard and making your dreams happen. 

Also read: How to stop caring what people think 

Successful people set clear boundaries 

Unclear and sloppy boundaries lead to burnout and overwhelm. We have enough going on in our lives as is. And without boundaries, we’re like sea foam getting tossed by the waves. 

If someone asks for help, we jump up and do it right away, not realizing that we’re putting our own needs, desires, and wants to the side. When work says they need people to stay extra hours, we jump up. If a neighbor asks to borrow something, we jump up. 

Most of us are naturally kind, selfless people. The people who read this blog also have a certain personality that is compassionate, giving, yet determined. 

If you could give yourself the kind of compassion, service, and determination you give others, what would change?

Your boundaries would become much clearer! 

A lot of people forget that saying “yes” to something is saying “no” to another thing. For example, if someone asked you to help them build some stuff, you might say “yes” right away. But what are you saying “no” to? What about your projects, time with family and loved ones, or even time with God? 

One thing that drove me crazy as a student teacher was when kids came at the very end of the semester to ask for extra credit. Afraid that their grades looked bad, and that they’d get in trouble, they desperately asked for any way to bump up their grades. The nice part of me always wanted to help, but the other part had boundaries, and I had to follow them. 

It was only fair to everyone, especially the students who actually did the work, that I not offer extra credit. Furthermore, they had their chance… the entire semester. So why come now? 

Teachers usually have signs on their desk that say something like, “Lack of preparation on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part” or “Failure to prepare is preparing to fail.” 

Stop bending over backwards for people who didn’t plan or prepare. Successful people know and set clear boundaries. 

abundance mindset

Successful people work hard and smart 

Working hard works wonders. History is full of examples of people who worked hard to get where they are today. They had a dream and didn’t give up until they reached that dream. 

However, in today’s day and age we can also work smarter. Instead of working harder and harder, we can do things like networking, finding mentors, and seeking out opportunities to make our journey easier. 

Successful people work hard, but they also work smart to save their own time, energy, and resources. 

family making food together

Successful people prioritize 

One key to how successful people think is to prioritize. Prioritizing makes things easier. 

In “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” Stephen Covey talks about having a center. You make decisions based on your center, your priority. If your family sits at the center, then every decision you make is based on your family’s needs, wants, and your own desire to be with your family. 

Covey doesn’t tell us what our center should be. He leaves it open to us, and successful people take that seriously. They prioritize the most important things first. In all, having a center gives us purpose, and helps us balance various roles and responsibilities.

Successful people make sacrifices 

Just as a successful person prioritizes, they know that sometimes sacrifices must be made. While some people have to sacrifice time, money, or energy to get a desired result, sacrifice looks different for everyone. 

Maybe a person stops buying drinks from the gas station everyday so they can save up, little by little, for a car and get a better job. 

Another person might forego certain parties and events to complete projects. 

Successful people know that working hard and making their way to success is full of tough decisions and sacrifices. But the temporary discomfort and FOMO of sacrificing something now will pay off in the long run. 

In conclusion 

Now that we have an idea of how successful people think, it’s time for you to define success for yourself. What do you really want? And do you believe you can get there? 

As you read this article, I hope you were uplifted and motivated to get out there and live your dreams. Success isn’t reserved for one or a few people, but for everyone. You just need to know how successful people think, shift your mindset, and go for it. You got this! 

What are your thoughts? 

What will you apply from this article? Did you experience a mindset shift while reading? Let us know in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you. Mahalo! 

Save this for later! 

how successful people think with confidence

Mahalo for sharing!