Do you want to drop everything and find a career you love, but you’re worried what others will think of you? Maybe you don’t feel confident in yourself, or you keep making excuses to why you can’t find a career you love.
It’s time to stop with the justifications, excuses, and lack of confidence. Whether you’re just starting out or switching careers, this article will teach you how to find a career you love and be confident about it.
There’s nothing wrong with trying new things. And especially when it comes to a career you love, you want to make the choice that will be meaningful for you. After all, you’ll probably work at this career for a while! So let’s dive into it and help you find a career you love!
Ask yourself some deep questions
Do you ever wonder where your life is going, or what your purpose is? Ask yourself some deep questions to answer these andpotentially find a career you love. The more you know yourself, the more confidence you’ll gain to do what you love.
Really ponder and ask yourself these questions, and see if they help clarify what you want in life:
- If you had the entire day to yourself and had to leave the house, what would you do?
- What would your 8-year old self think about where you are today?
- Is there a problem or an issue in the world that is deeply concerning to you?
- What are you deeply curious about? What do you read about, research, or look up on the internet when you have time?
- What are you willing to sacrifice for?
- What would your obituary say about you?
If you don’t really know who you are, personality tests can help
I’m not referring to those Buzzfeed click bait articles that ask, “What Disney princess are you?” or “You’ll pass this test based on your personality.” I’m talking about very detailed, well-studied and researched personality tests.
I suggest Myers-Briggs, because it points out strengths and weaknesses. It also shares how certain personalities deal with careers, relationships, and more. It’s creepy how well this tests understands your way of thinking.
There are plenty of personality tests out there, but please don’t go down the rabbit hole of click bait tests, as they’ll only pull you away from what you’re trying to figure out: a career you love.
Try new things
Get out there and just start. Try new things. Experiment. See what you like and don’t like. A lot of people who found what they loved usually have a story behind it, including myself!
I always wanted to write books, but, growing up, I was told it wasn’t a practical path. I was counseled to get a “real” job, and then pursue writing on the side. So I sort of did that. I got my teaching license, but knew, at least halfway through my studies, that it wasn’t what I wanted. Teaching would be much too exhausting fo my personality type, and I wouldn’t be able to write on the side.
So I thought, Well… what if I had my own business in something else, so I could support my writing? I started a photography business, videography business, and several other things, but they ended up taking so much of my time and energy that I still didn’t write on the side!
Finally I got a blog started. That boosted my audience—and confidence—so I started writing my books. I share my story because it’s funny and complicated and there were so many ups and downs! But I finally got to what I wanted to do, and I don’t think I would’ve made it if I didn’t try out all those other things.
Sometimes you have to take a wrong road to know with 100% surety that the path you’re on is right.
Watch a spiritual video about this here: Wrong Roads
Don’t be afraid to try new things, and don’t worry what people say. Because people will have opinions no matter what. The only opinions that matter are your own opinion and God’s opinion of you.
Get inspired, but don’t compare yourself to others
Sometimes it’s helpful to discover what other people do, because that will inspire you. My husband and I enjoy watching YouTube videos and getting a glimpse into other people’s lives. It inspires us and motivates us, telling us, “If they can do it, why can’t I?”
Get inspired by other people sharing their stories, but please don’t compare yourself to them. If you feel yourself comparing, stop watching. Unplug. Be grateful for where you are in your journey and know that you’re working towards finding a career you love. Things will become clearer as you focus on what you want, instead of comparing yourself to other people.
If you’re not comparing yourself, get inspired.
Want to become a travel blogger? Well, read travel blogs, and follow travel influencers. See what they do, and how they’re successful.
If you want to pursue a creative project, see what others are doing to make careers out of that. Sometimes you and a few others pave the path in a creative field that nobody has gone before. Don’t be afraid to network, reach out to others, and find a support system. There’s power in community and connection.
Go for it
Sometimes you just have to send it. There are no rulebooks for starting out, especially if the career you love is unique and different. Or maybe it’s not the “normal” way of doing stuff, and your family, friends, or peers frown down at you because you’re not going the traditional route.
Don’t worry about what people think. This is your journey, your life. Years down the road, will you look back and regret going for it? No. But you might regret not trying something out. You never know where your confidence, bravery, and ideas will take you.
Don’t let people stop or hold you back. Go for it!
Don’t confine yourself to this forever
Times change. People change. Just because you find a career you love now, doesn’t mean you’ll love it in the future. Give yourself permission to change careers. There’s some fake belief out there that you have to stick with something forever.
For example, if you’ve been working in a field for a number of years now, and decide to change, people might raise their eyebrows at you. “He worked in that field for so long, got __ raises, and now… he’s just going to throw it all down the drain?”
Please don’t listen to the naysayers and haters. Give yourself permission to find a career you love. Those who say you’re making a mistake have a scarcity mindset. They believe that if you give up something now, you’ll never find another as good as that.
But have an abundance mindset. Know that your opportunities are endless. And remember: God has a plan. Even if it seems scary, if God approves, and you know it’s the next step, you totally got this.
In conclusion
Let’s find a career you love. Get to know yourself, your personality, strengths, and weaknesses. Ask yourself deep questions. Try new things. Put yourself out there. As you go for it, you’ll discover what you love and don’t love. Go for it friend!
What are your thoughts?
What are you doing to find a career you love? Or did you already find the career of your dreams? What led you to it? Let us know in the comments. We’d love to hear from you. Mahalo!