how to have an abundance mindset

Do you want to know how to have an abundance mindset? This article will teach you how, but first… let’s evaluate our current mindset…

Have you ever stopped yourself from doing something because you thought one of these statements?

“I can’t afford that.”

“I’m not smart enough…”

Or “There are so many people doing this thing. There’s no room for me.” 

If you’ve ever thought one of these, or something along these lines, you’ve been conditioned to think in a scarcity mindset. We all started, as children, with an abundance mindset. We’re never too old, too young, too brave, too scared, or any “labels” we put on ourselves to do anything. As children we believe we can reach our dreams and create a beautiful life! 

But when we grow older, our own experiences, heartaches, trauma, and pain can make us believe that there’s not enough to go around—not enough opportunities, confidence, happiness, peace, money, or whatever else holds us back. 

It’s time to shift our perspective to an abundance mindset, and be confident in it! It’s one thing to learn and study the abundance mindset and another thing to actually live, believe, and act according to it. Confidence in the abundance mindset makes all the difference. 

In this article you will learn practical ways to have a confident abundance mindset. There’s room for all of us, and that includes you. So let’s jump in and create space for a new perspective on life. 

Start with gratitude 

An abundance mindset starts with an exercise we all know we should do better, but usually don’t make the time for: gratitude. Appreciating things in our lives goes a long way. Gratitude helps us see the abundance, instead of the lack. 

We have so much to be grateful for, instead of fixing our attention on all the things we don’t have. 

Also read: How to stop comparing yourself to others 

Want to practice with a gratitude journal? Check out my Hawaii-inspired Gratitude Journal, “Mahalo Ke Akua”

abundance mindset

Stop focusing on the negative “what if’s” and focus on the positive “what if’s” 

Some people agonize over “what if” and imagine the worst case scenarios. While it’s ok to be realistic—and our brains are naturally wired to look out for danger, uncomfortable situations, or anything that might cause pain—we should focus on the positives. 

  • “What if you DO get the dream job?” 
  • “What if she says YES?” 
  • “What if the vacation does go smoothly?” 
  • “What if the unexpected obstacle has a purpose?” 

Shifting our mindset helps us see the silver lining in any situation. It also helps us be more creative. Instead of feeling bitter about obstacles, we see them as opportunities for growth and creativity.

Choose your circle of friends carefully

Have you ever felt drained being around someone because they shut down nearly everything you say? 

“Oh yeah, it’s a good idea but…” 

“Just wait til you’re my age…” 

“We’re all too poor for…” 

It’s important to surround yourself with people who share a similar mindset. A wise mentor told me to “Be friends with everyone, but choose your friends wisely.” Be kind to everyone, but choose who you spend your time with. 

how to have an abundance mindset

Listen to what you say and think

Make a conscious effort to listen to what you say to people and also what you think to yourself. A lot of times we reveal our deepest fears and insecurities, especially a scarcity mindset, in our everyday interactions with people and ourselves.

For example, if a friend shares some kind of big news, what is your first reaction? Do you jump up to support them, or do you think of the worst case scenario and say something negative?

Or, think about this scenario: When someone encourages you to follow a dream or pursue something you always wanted to do, do you shut them down or believe that they’re right and you can do it?

Here’s yet another example: If you’re doing a mundane chore at home (like washing dishes, folding laundry, cleaning house, etc) what do you say to yourself? What are you thinking about?

Stay present and truly listen to your words and thoughts. After conversations with others, ask yourself, “Why did I say what I say?” Recognizing our limiting beliefs can help us change our perspective and come from a place of abundance.

Instead of saying, “I can’t do that,” you’ll say “that’s totally possible. I am can do it.” Or when problems arise, you take them on in a healthy way, instead of giving up right away. Listen to yourself and you’ll be surprised at what you learn!

Believe in the impossible 

Believe, even when other people don’t. You’ll get those things you always wanted. Don’t let other people’s opinions or perspectives sway you. You are stronger, more creative, and more capable than you think.

Believe in the impossible. Believe that anything can happen. Also, believe that, with God, nothing can stop you. You truly can do those things you always wanted to do. 🙂

What are your thoughts?

Let us know in the comments below if something here resonated with you. What does an abundance mindset look like for you?

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How to have an abundance mindset

Mahalo for sharing!