The fastest way to build your self confidence

Do you want to know one of the fastest ways to boost your self confidence? It doesn’t have to take a lot of time, money, or resources, but it does take a lot of courage. This simple method, often overlooked, can boost your self confidence faster than any other method, strategy, class, or way. 

The answer? Service. 

“Service?” you ask yourself. “What does she mean?” 

Service to others can boost not only your self confidence but your self worth, happiness, and satisfaction in life. It doesn’t have to be complicated, extravagant, or excessive. You don’t have to travel far or even meet new people to do service—you can even do kind acts of service for yourself! 

The key is a willing heart and, as stated earlier, courage. 

This article covers several easy, simple service ideas that will boost your self confidence faster than any other way. So let’s choose courage and dive right in! 

Serve anyone with kindness 

Complimenting, saying common courtesies, and smiling goes a long way. In our everyday actions, we forget to do some of these things, choosing instead to stare at our phones or avoid eye contact with people at all costs. 

But the thing is… we need people. We don’t need to become best friends with the cashier or wave to everyone we pass, but we should be willing to offer kindness wherever we go. 

There’s a quote that says: 

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” 

If you see a person struggling to put the groceries in their car, offer to help.

Notice someone carrying too many things? Ask if you can help lighten their load.


Say hello.

Ask someone how they’re doing.


Let someone take the seat you were in.

You’re never too old, young, shy, loud, or anything to offer help and kindness. 

When you show kindness, your self confidence grows in a beautiful way. Even when people reject your offers of help, you feel a self assurance that you did all you could. The offer was still there. Feel pleased with your efforts and know that God is pleased with you too when you do your best to help and serve others with kindness! 

family making food together

Serve your family 

Having a stronger family boosts a person’s identity and confidence. Somewhere, deep inside of us, we long to belong in our families and to feel connected. This is possible for our families, even if you feel like it’s beyond repair. 

Kindness and consideration go a long way, especially when it comes to families. A lot of people become lax in their families, choosing selfishness because their families “will always be there.” But we need to treat our families better. 

One of the fastest ways to boost self confidence is serving your family. It doesn’t have to be anything big, but showing kindness, extending forgiveness, and using common courtesy will show your family members you respect and honor them. Even if they don’t respond positively at first, the effects can show up after time. And if the expected results don’t ever seem to show up, you’ll still gain confidence because you did all you could to improve your familial relationships. 

Serve your neighbors and community 

Family should be the first priority in service, but your neighbors and community come after that. 

Care about your neighbors. Ask how they are doing. You don’t have to be best friends with your neighbors, but you can still know who they are, say hi, and let them know that you’re there.

Don’t be afraid to get involved in the community as well. The local community has plenty of opportunities for service and ways to support local businesses and schools.

Everyone wants to feel like they belong, and when we make an effort in our communities, it can make a huge difference in our own lives.

Serve your country 

Another fast way to grow your self confidence is through serving your country. Everyone wants to belong, and serving your country helps you feel that sense of belonging. 

This doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to join the military or work for the government, although you may certainly do that if you feel called to it. Serving your country looks like actively participating in the political process. It also includes being a law-abiding citizen.

Instead of feeling like you don’t belong, you’ll feel a part of something much larger than yourself. Your involvement and interest in your country/nation will also inspire others, including your family and neighbors, to take part in the workings of the country.

Setting an example and jumping in will increase your confidence, and it will make a difference for the future of the country. 

In conclusion 

Service is one of the fastest ways to grow your self confidence. It doesn’t have to be hard or complicated, but when done with courage and a willing heart, service can change you.

Your social skills will increase.

Speaking, taking initiative, and compassion come more easily to you. 

Although overlooked, service will boost your self confidence in ways nothing else can. So take courage… and if you don’t feel that courage, ask God to help you. He can plant the courage and desire in your heart to serve. You got this friend! 

What do you think? 

Do you agree with this article? Is service the fastest way to boost your self confidence? Let us know in the comments below. Mahalo! 

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The fastest way to boost your self confidence

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