religion can boost self confidence

Do you find confidence in religion? Did you know that confidence and religion have a deeply connected relationship? Everyone wants to belong, and religion helps people feel a sense of belonging, connect with God, and enjoy community. 

The sense of belonging found in religion builds self confidence, as you learn how to interact with others, God, and even yourself. 

A lot of my own self confidence came from church attendance and religious practices in my own home. As an adult, people can’t believe I was once home-schooled until 10th grade, and I attribute so much of my social skills, initiative, participation, and confidence to organized religion. 

No matter what religion you currently attend, know that participating in church service, activities, worship, and personal study at home give you confidence in a way that nothing else can. 

In this article, you will learn why religion builds your confidence and how you can more actively participate in your religion to continue building that confidence. Let’s jump right in! 

woman praying at computer

Confidence is personal

Remember that confidence is very personal. It’s a belief in your abilities, skills, and discernment. Confidence also comes from having a personal connection with God. 

Do you feel a personal connection with God? If not, it might be because you don’t know who you really are to Him.

Check out: Do you know who you really are?

Many people lack confidence because they don’t know who they truly are. More importantly, they don’t know who they are to God. 

We all need to know that we matter to God. In fact, I’ll tell you right now that you are a child of God. You are loved and have great worth in God’s eyes. It’s easy to think that because you’ve failed or messed up at some point in life that God is ashamed of you.

But that’s not true. God loves you no matter what. 

Religion empowers us with these truths and reminds us, as often as we attend and worship, that we are loved, worthy, and able. 

family making food together

Religion provides structure, morals, and values 

In world full of polarization, divisiveness, and the degradation of values and morals, it’s important to have a safe place where morality is upheld.

We need to be reminded of the importance of the nuclear family, protecting the innocent, and how we can be better people overall.

Religion provides this structure. The world wants people to be come loose, to “live their truth,” but God has already established truth, and it’s up to us to follow him. Religion helps us to know who we are, where we stand, what we believe, and who to trust.

We stand on truth, real truth, because we know who we really are, and who God is.

If you want to read more about standing on truth, check out the Hawaiian value of “kupa’a” in my book, Aloha State of Mind.

Religion provides a social community of like-minded people 

It’s important to surround yourself with a variety of people, no matter their views and opinions. But it’s empowering to be surrounded by people who share your same beliefs and faith. 

There’s something special about sharing experiences and stories of faith in God and Jesus Christ with others who get it. As stated earlier in this article, we all need to feel like we belong. Being able to connect with others in stories, doctrine, and faith-promoting activities helps us feel that sense of belonging.

And, of course, with that sense of belonging comes confidence. 

woman folding arms and praying in article confidence in religion

Religion reminds and teaches you how to connect with God 

We live in a world of disconnect. It’s easy to stare at our screens, participate in mindless activities, and get distracted.

And yet, while relationships with people are important, our relationship with God is a priority. When we feel a personal relationship with him, it inspires us. That relationship can increase our self esteem, sense of self worth, and hope. 

A lot of people have asked me how I do all the things I do (write books, blog posts, and other creative endeavors). I’ve asked myself the same question and it always comes down to this: I know who I am. I’m a child of God, so if I’m a child of God, I can do anything I set my mind to. 

Things don’t always work out perfectly, but I never lose hope because my identity is strong. I know my relationship with God, and that inspires and motivates me. Will you let that relationship inspire and motivate you? 

Also read: Social media is killing your self confidence

Religion helps with mental health, and, in turn, can increase confidence

Studies have shown that religion increases self esteem and that people have better mental health overall. They feel less anxious or depressed and see things in a more positive light. Religion and worship helps people cope with stress too.

Here are some neat studies done on this:

There are may religions in the world, but when we truly know God as a loving, caring God, it helps us understand better who we are. And with that said, our optimism, positivity, and hope increase. 

In conclusion 

Confidence and religion are deeply interconnected. Much of who we are, what we learn about ourselves, others, and God stems from being involved in organized religion. 

When we know who we are, we recognize our potential and worth. We don’t need validation from others because God’s approval is enough.

What are your thoughts? 

How do you think religion and confidence go together? Do you get confidence from your religion? Let us know in the comments below! Mahalo! 

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confidence in religion

Mahalo for sharing!