Have you ever asked yourself: “Do I do what I want?”
Or maybe you heard someone, or yourself, say, “I really want to do ____, but I don’t have the time, money, or resources.” The truth is… “time, money, and resources” are an excuse. What you lack, my friend, is confidence.
You can do anything you put your mind to. God has given you all the gifts and skills you need to get started, but you just have to start. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to confidently tell others, “I do what I want,” and not feel apologetic or guilty about it!
Stop letting people hold you back
People will say all sorts of things. They’ll ask questions and look at you weird.
But don’t let it get to you. Too many of us stay frozen in place, anxious, because we’re afraid that if people see the “real” us, they’ll think we’re not normal. So who cares? If they don’t like you, they probably weren’t a real friend in the first place. Stop letting people hold you back.
If there’s something you truly love and want to do, go for it. The more you value your opinion and God’s opinion, instead of others, the more your confidence grows.
Be a person of honor
I know this sounds so old-fashioned, like a quote from a movie. But if what you want is honorable and will help improve other people’s lives, please take complete confidence in it.
A lot of people lack confidence to do what they want because other people might look down on them.
The only reason other people might look down on you is because 1) they’re jealous or 2) you’re doing something that isn’t serving or contributing.
There are so many honorable ways to contribute. I’ve seen artists who create adorable Kawaii-inspired polymer clay keychains on YouTube. They have huge followings because their content makes people smile and want to get creative. Though not everyone loves this sort of thing, it’s still a creative and fun contribution.
Other people create businesses, sell products, or create content that inspires, educates, and uplifts. That’s a contribution.
It’s hard to have confidence if what you’re doing is wrong
If doing what you want is degrading, unwholesome, immoral, or crude, then it’s hard to have confidence in that. Some people claim to have confidence in those sorts of things, but it’s just a cover up of a deep insecurity or wound. I heard a story of a young woman who admired a distant relative for posting pornographic pictures of herself. “She’s so brave,” the young woman said.
Is she though? How is posting pornography an honorable contribution? “That’s cool she has enough confidence in herself to do that,” the young woman continued.
But is that confidence? Is that true confidence?
A lot of people post on social media because they want validation. They want people to comment and say things to boost their self esteem. But that sort of self esteem is temporary and fleeting.
Lasting confidence comes from doing something truly meaningful and believing in one’s self, even if validation from others is not given. So do yourself a favor and evaluate if what you want is honorable. If it is, have confidence and go for it!
Also check out: How to have confidence in your unique gifts and abilities
“Do what I want” sounds selfish though
Is it selfish?
A lot of people live unfulfilling lives. They’re stuck at jobs they don’t like because they lack the confidence to do what they love.
It’s true that you can be happy in any circumstance, including if you’re stuck at a job you don’t like. However, why not go a step further and do something that’s truly meaningful for you? Don’t you want to look back at your life and say you’re happy with the decisions you made, and the chances you took?
Too many people will look back and regret not trying things, or having the courage to do what they love. But this is your sign. It’s not selfish to fulfill your life’s purpose and mission.
In fact, if you feel that God has called you to do something, why wouldn’t you do it? God wants you to succeed, so if you feel inspired and prompted, go for it!
Do good, serve people
“I want to do what I want” also sounds quite self centered. But if what you want will serve someone else, or improve a person’s life, why would you stop yourself?
Sometimes we forget how much influence we each have. Especially with social media, a person can have followers from anyone around the world at any time. They can share messages and opinions, teach people how to do things, or entertain.
But don’t forget the heart of it: do what you want, but make sure it is good and serves people.
Involve God
Maybe what you want isn’t a good thing. Sometimes we have to re-evaluate ourselves and ask, “What do I need?” instead of “What do I want?”
Involve God in your process of finding your wants and desires. Pray. Ask. Listen. God will show us a greater path, and when we align our will with His, we’ll know what we need and want.
In my own personal life, it seems like God is always open to suggestions. When I was younger, I was taught that God answers in one of three ways: yes, no, or maybe. But, as I’ve gotten older, and listen to promptings, I’ve discovered that most of my ideas and aspirations are all good. They’re all “yes” but God wants me to decide.
You might have a lot of great things going for you. You have plenty of ideas and projects, but God will leave the option to you. In my opinion, this is a good thing. It means that God trusts you to make the decision for yourself. When you make your choice, you also show faith in Him.
Because if something isn’t meant to be, you trust Him enough to show you a course correction or stop you along the way.
Involve God in what you want, because He will help you.
In conclusion
“Can I do what I want?” you ask. Yes! 100% absolutely yes! When you desire to do an honorable deed, to help people, and spread goodness and light throughout the world, you can do it. Your confidence naturally grows because of the good you do. And when you involve God, you can have even more confidence and assurance that you are right where you need to be.
What are your thoughts?
What motivates you to do what you want and love? How do you overcome self doubt and gain confidence to do what you love? Let us know in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you! Mahalo!