self confidence and happiness

We all want to be happy. We want to feel at peace, well, and satisfied with who we are. “So will self confidence make me happy?” you might ask. 

The answer is yes… and no. Self confidence comes from believing in yourself, and truly valuing your skills, time, energy, and gifts. Even when things start to go downhill, self confidence helps you navigate and come up with solutions to your problems. 

So the short answer… self confidence doesn’t guarantee happiness, but it does help. Here are several of the ways self confidence can help make you happy. 

self confidence make me happy

Self confidence will help you believe in yourself 

Do you really believe in yourself? Everyone has insecurities, but when you believe in yourself, you overcome those insecurities. You accept your strengths and weaknesses and do everything you can to reach your goals…

Because you truly, deeply believe that you will reach those goals! 

Happiness can come from having a hope for the future, like dreaming big. And when you believe that you have all you need to reach those dreams, it can be very satisfying. 

will self confidence make me happy

Self confidence will help with your relationships 

We all need connection, love, understanding, and people (even if we say we don’t need people). With confidence, you are self assured. That means that no matter what people say or do, you can validate yourself and your ideas. 

You know that you need people, but the only opinions that matter are your own and God’s opinion. With self assurance, you inspire people to do what they love too. When you build others up, it’s encouraging for everyone.

Another thing is that self confidence helps you feel appreciated and valued by others. A lot of times people get anxiety because they don’t know if others really like them or really care. With self confidence, you don’t need others validation, but you do appreciate it when it’s given. Feeling valued and appreciated can also help with happiness and wellbeing because we all need that. 

let go of perfectionism

Self confidence will help you not care what people think 

I mentioned this in the last section, but it’s worth repeating. Can you imagine how your life would look if you didn’t care what people thought of you? What would you do? (This is a great question to write about in your journal—check out these self confidence journal prompts). 

Too often we compare ourselves to others on social media, hesitate to make a big move, or feel down because we’re not “good enough” like others. Furthermore, what would they think of us? 

But life is too short to care about other peoples’ opinions. With self confidence, you move past that. The comments and opinions of others don’t phase you. You’re happy with who you are, where you are, and where you’re going, even with your weaknesses, mistakes, and failures. 

Having this outlook can definitely help with your happiness! 

Also read: How to not care what people think 

Self confidence can help with happiness, but it isn’t the only answer 

Let’s finish where we began. “Can self confidence make me happy?” The answer is yes. It can greatly enhance your character, help you believe in yourself, and, eventually, live the life of your dreams. 

But don’t get too caught up in one goal, thinking that ONE thing will make you happy. Our lives are what we make of it, and happiness doesn’t have to be felt after accomplishing one thing, like reaching a big goal or becoming self confident. You can be happy right now, even in the midst of hardship. You got this friend! 

Check out my book Aloha State of Mind to learn more about being happy in the now. 

Also read: 10 Ways to Stop Sabotaging Your Happiness 

Will self confidence make me happy? 

What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you. Mahalo! 

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will self confidence make me happy

Mahalo for sharing!